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Where To Buy Certified Humane Eggs Extra Quality

What none of these companies address, however, is where they source their hens from, and what happens to all the baby male chicks that are unwanted because of their inability to produce eggs. Are they buried alive and thrown into grinders fully conscious as so often happens on other factory farms?

where to buy certified humane eggs

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I think women have bought into this idea of humane treatment of chickens because of their nurturing instincts. Consumers are buying eggs, the topic of your report, not chickens. And the mood of the chickens (happy) is not transferred to the egg. At least I see no evidence of that.

But for the moment, due to Federal concerns with food safety (and in particular, the threat of bird flu) all commercial flocks must come from certified hatcheries, where this practice is still happening. What little control we do have we use to source our pullets (teenage hens) from farmers who have purchased their chicks from hatcheries with the highest standards in the industry. And while we could not in good faith claim that any form of euthanasia can be considered completely humane, the methodology used, and the level of care taken to ensure that it is as painless as possible, is the best we can hope for until (which again, we hope will be really soon) some alternative form of in-ovo sexing becomes viable.

I sell brown eggs from pasture raised hens at a local state of MS Dept of Agriculture operated Farmers Market. I am State of MS /USDA National Poultry Improvement Plan inspected and hold a valid State of MS Retail Egg Licence. Someone remarked about strong egg shells, that can be accomplished by providing crushed oyster shell and crushed limestone free available access to the hens along with granite grit to supplement their calcium uptake and to aid in digestion of forage. Weak eggs are from older hens that do not have that access and are depleting calcium from their bones, leading to serious health issues. We supplement pasture and woods foraging with a soy and corn free NON GMO feed, Texas Naturals Elite Layer. You can find out who the shysters are by asking to tour their farm. If they will not let you visit, do not buy their eggs, who knows the real source or method of production. We welcome any and all who want to see our humane, sustainable and organic standards based operation. One last note, bright orange yolks can be artificially induced by adding Bright yellow Marigold Flower meal to confined and loose hens feed, thus faking appearance of access to forage and bugs and worms, seeds, grasses, etc..

Truly believe you are what you eat. When I eat I consider about the animals, we are not the only creature on earth. I cut out the red meat completely from my diet, substituted more eggs and dairies humane treated.Chickens are treated terribly on this planet. They are animals that walk around, socializing and make eggs. My grandma used to have a small farm, the eggs from there tasted far different than the modern days manufactured eggs. I like Vital farms eggs, they treat chickens better, they are happier, the eggs can tell that.Eggs are good for you only when they are healthy eggs.Thank you for the posting!

Wayne Hsiung, a lawyer and founding organizer for Direct Action Everywhere, an animal rights group, recently traveled to a cage-free egg farm, where he said he encountered cannibal hens, unhealthy, injured chickens and grim living conditions for the animals expected to lay eggs in personal spaces about the size of a standard sheet of paper. Sure, the chickens weren't in cages, but their living conditions were no better than if they were crammed into cages of a similarly puny size, Hsiung wrote in a contributed piece for the Huffington Post.

It's also currently illegal to use hormones in any type of poultry, the Food and Drug Administration reports, so "hormone-free" means absolutely nothing special on your egg carton, as all legally sold eggs are free of added hormones. Even the word "humane" isn't USDA certified, so really any egg producer could print it on their packaging without many consequences.

Of course, if you can visit the farm or site where eggs are laid (such as your own or a neighbor's backyard), you can verify that the chickens are living in appropriate conditions, but for those in urban areas, coordinating a coop visit may not be in the realm of grocery-shopping possibility.

While Certified Humane Free-range and pasture-raised eggs are certainly the most humane, Adele Douglas, who has verified humane standards for the organization, wrote that cage-free eggs may be the best alternative to pasture-raised in some regions where year-round outdoor access for chickens is not possible. There are no actual space requirements for conventional cage-free hens, which is why factory farms can pack them in. Certified Humane mandates that for their humane status, "there must be 1.5 square feet per hen, litter for dust bathing, perches for the birds, and ammonia levels at a maximum of 10ppm, which means the scent is imperceptible."

Bottom line: The most humane eggs you'll eat are the ones from chickens allowed to roam and feed on their natural diets. Backyard chickens and free-range farm eggs are the most humane, but if you can't access these two types, Certified Humane cage-free eggs are your next best bet.

All of our family-owned farms are in the pasture belt, which is the U.S. region, including Arkansas and portions of Alabama, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas, where pasture-raised eggs can be produced year-round. Learn more about the Pasture Belt here.

Hens start out at a hatchery, a place where chicks are hatched for the purpose of laying eggs. Because only female hens can lay eggs, chicks are sorted by gender once they are hatched. Female chicks, also known as pullets, are then transported at one day old to a pullet house for 17 weeks. A pullet house is a specialized farm that raises the girls from day-old chicks until they are about 17 weeks of age, when our family farm partners are ready to receive them. The girls spend the next several weeks inside the barn nest training where they are kept warm, can play, and spend time learning how to lay eggs.

So, we wanted to provide some clarity on the kinds of eggs that carry the American Humane Certified seal, which lets consumers know that the hens laying those eggs were raised humanely. We audit and authorize three distinct systems in which farmers raise laying hens: cage-free, free-range and pasture raised.

Cage FreeAll laying hens certified by American Humane are, at a minimum, cage-free. These birds live in a barn where they can move freely and have littered floors that encourage natural behaviors like scratching and dust bathing. Some of the farmers we work with even use cage-free housing systems that provide access to the outdoors.

Since our founding we have refused to use cages, but there have never been federal standards for cage free egg production in the United States. This confused our farmers, as it provided them no guidelines for what truly constituted cage free eggs. It also confused consumers, who had no federal guarantee that their eggs were sincerely sourced from cage free hens. To ensure that every egg in our 100% Cage Free cartons comes from a hen who lives a humane and natural life, all our family farms voluntarily undergo inspections by third-party auditors. These annual farm audits ensure that we fulfill our promise to provide premium eggs from happy, healthy hens.

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is a non-profit certification organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals. They have been our partner since our founding. HFAC helps us with the certification of a number of our products and the inspection of many of our family farms. To learn more about HFAC, visit them at

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals by certifying their humane treatment. Supported by more than 44 humane organizations, the Certified Humane Raised and Handled program is nationally recognized as the Gold Standard for certifying animal welfare from birth through slaughter. Since the program was unveiled in May 2003, more than 93 companies, representing thousands of farms and millions of farm animals, have been certified.

For more information on where to find Certified Humane products, visit HFAC's "Where to Buy" page at =where-to-buy or download the Certified Humane App. To download the App, go to the App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android, search for Certified Humane and then download and open. You can also access the mobile where to buy page by going to: from your smart phone. For additional information, visit HFAC's Website at,

Cage-free is not synonymous with cruelty-free. For instance, cage-free producers typically purchase hens from hatcheries, where male chickens are considered useless and killed at birth because they will not lay eggs and will not grow as large as chickens bred for meat. Hatcheries kill 260 million male chicks each year in the United States.

- All facilities must provide an annual Animal Welfare Audit performed by auditors certified by the Professional Animal Auditing Certification Class Organization (PAACO), which promotes the humane treatment of animals.

Cole has learned a lot about the natural lives of chickens. They need 14 hours of sunlight to produce eggs and lay about one per day. Chickens must be protected from predators, locked up at night in their coop for optimal well-being and let out in the morning to roam. Here are some tips for buying the freshest, most delicious and humanely raised chicken eggs. 041b061a72


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